Section Schedule
CINE 484
Producing V: Production Practicum
Workshop course partners students with other practicum students including directors, editors, post-production supervisors, production designers, and others to produce a significant, short production within the semester of no more than 10 minutes in length that is festival- and distribution-ready. Emphasis is on creative collaboration script development, crew assembly and pre-production, production management, and post-production supervision. Producing students are required to take Producing IV and provide a detailed application for entry into this course.
Section Title Instructor Reg/Limit Status Hours Fees Reqmts Textbk Camp Bldg Room Dates Days Beg End
01 PosseC 5 / 5 Closed 6.00 $230.00   CCC 1104 510 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 ---W--- 12:30p 3:20p
CCC 1104 301 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T---- 12:30p 4:20p
CCC 1104 310 09/04/2018 - 12/15/2018 --T---- 12:30p 4:20p

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